European Grocery Store – Croydon
Located in the heart of Croydon, the ‘European Grocery Store’ has an extensive selection of UK foods and drinks..
While we’ve previously focused on UK grocery stores that lie within Melbourne’s inner suburbs, it’s time to shine a light on one that’s a little further out for most. The ‘European Grocery Store’ is a sizeable shop that’s situated on Main Street in Croydon, roughly 30km to the east of Melbourne’s CBD. No matter which direction you’re travelling from, it’s a pleasurable and scenic drive if you’d like to make a visit.
As the name would suggest, this store is not just limited to UK products. They stock many foodstuffs from different European countries - and the USA for that matter. That being said, the UK is strongly-represented on their well-stocked shelves.
More condiments and sauces than you can shake a stick at, if that’s your type of thing. Pervert.
Chinese-run, the European Grocery Store not only includes the usual shelf-fodder but also chilled and frozen foods too (as well as some hardware goods). If you were that way inclined, you could possibly do a weekly food shop here of just UK products. It’s like living in a Brexiteer’s dream!
Alpen for breakfast, Pot Noodle for lunch and……err……Pot Noodle again for dinner.
While our visit was planned for research only (explaining why we were taking pictures took up most of our time due to the language barrier), we still came away with a basket piled-up with British goodies. I challenge any Brit to enter this cavern of curiosities and not come out without purchasing something.
Illustrative of the UK and the USA’s ‘special relationship’, here we see an alliance of transatlantic confectionery out on parade.
If there’s one area in which we are world leaders, it has to be crisps. Here we see Walkers, Quavers and Hula Hoops claiming the prime real estate ahead of their garish American cousins.
One for the old school heads. If this fella wasn’t invited to your bath time as a kid, I feel bad for you. EDITOR’S NOTE - no men were actually invited to my bath time as a kid, to the best of my knowledge.
European Grocery Store, 154A Main Street, Croydon, VIC 3136.